Climate Listening Project Team and Advisers Team Dayna Reggero, Director Producers & Advisers Laura Turner Seydel, Mothers & Others for Clean Air Veronica Butcher, Mothers & Others for Clean Air Laura Hope Gill, Narrative Healthcare & Wordfest Amanda Rodriguez, Dogwood Alliance Keya Chatterjee, USCAN Luis Martinez Marti, NRDC Kim Brand, Audubon Society Laura Lengnick, Cultivating Resilience J.Kwest, Green Chalice Scott Hardin-Nieri, Green Chalice Jill Kubit, DearTomorrow Gretchen Dahlkemper, Moms Clean Air Force Loni Cortez Russell, Moms Clean Air Force Lucia Ibarra, Dogwood Alliance Joshua Martin, Environmental Paper Network Cari Barcas, Green Built Alliance Jerry Lubos, Franklin School of Innovation Sara Day Evans, Climate Listening Project Creatives Polly Schattel, editor on Earth-People-Words Film and US Climate Action Network film Napoleon Wright II, editor on US Climate Action Network film Shannon Bodeau, artist on Earth-People-Words & McCullough Fellowship Portraiture Project Andrea Desky, director of photography and editor on Wood Thrush Connection, Cultivating Resilience Tour, Faith, Business and Community, and Trailer Fabian Aguirre, cinematographer on the Trailer Kira Bursky, filmmaker on Green Built Alliance Robert Gowan, sound on Green Built Alliance Robert Klein, motion graphics and after effects editor on The Collider series Francine Cavanaugh, editor on the Moms National Tour, The Story We Want, and DearTomorrow Adams Wood, director of photography and editor on the Moms National Tour, The Story We Want, and DearTomorrow Jen White, cinematographer on The Story We Want Giovanna Arguello, second videographer on The Story We Want Long Nguyen, videographer on Business and Community Joanna Arnow, videographer on DearTomorrow Kat Williams, voice over artist on Pollinators and Community David Allen, videographer and photographer on Cultivating Resilience Dave Pecunies, videographer on Cultivating Resilience Paul Lewis Anderson, videographer and photographer on Cultivating Resilience Sarah Carballo, videographer and editor on Faith in Action Benjamin Bruckman, videographer on the Trailer Oliver Fleming, videographer on the Trailer Kristen Porter, photographer on Faith Mary Ann Garwood, graphics Leah Shapiro, creative Peyton Siler Jones, student collaborator Bekah Jane Whilden, student collaborator Better than Unicorns, team on Forests Virtual Reality film Three Flames Productions, team on Butterflies Effect animation film Watch Films & Videos Gulf Coast Love Story Planet Prescription: Dr. Brooks Planet Prescription: Dr. Mellinger-Birdsong Planet Prescription: Dr. Charon Stories Happen in Forests Film U.S. Climate Action Network Video Appalachia Photo Essay Student Climate Podcast Series Climate Portraiture Series Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube